Thursday, May 25, 2006


Just Flight pulls Traffic 2005!

Simflight reports that Just Flight has pulled Traffic 2005 due to some copyright infringements. The press release goes into the exact details, but the gist of the whole situation stems from JF's use of hobbyist contributions in the product, which some have been found to be originated from two free AI enhancement groups, AI Aardvark and ProjectAI.

Opening up a payware product to contribution from within the hobby can certainly become a sticky situation - such as this one - for the very reason this has become an issue. Working in the hobby for a long time, I've seen copyright infringement of textures pop up from time to time. There are some very smart developers out there, so its best to make all original artwork - everyone's style is a "fingerprint" of their work. Misrepresentation of one's work just causes a lot of problems, so take heed...don't do it.

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